

Posts in First 100
Blogging for 100 days didn't turn out how I expected

I expected to blog about working in my studio and going on photography adventures. I expected to really struggle. I hoped that i wouldn’t give up part way. I did struggle a tiny bit, but only a few times. Instead I ended up using it as a way to go back through my old work and inspire myself again. It has helped me refine some ideas and come up with new ones. Mostly, I used it as a way to keep a thread of consistency for myself through a rapidly changing life experience.

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Turning off my inner critic

In order to progress and develop in your creative endeavor, you probably need to turn off your inner critic for a bit. If you doubt each brush stroke or second guess every element of your process, your work probably isn’t going to be sustainable. You won’t have room in your mind to make your best work if your mind is full of self doubt and inner criticism.

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What seeds are really good at

I have spent a lot of time in the last few years taking pictures of plants and seeds. They are so fascinating to me. Watching them grow is a source of delight to gardeners and plant lovers around the world. Even if you don’t care about them, your life depends on them. If you are going to eat this summer, they need to sprout now.

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This is not the best time to write that book (but maybe you can do it anyway)

If you can use the disruption that you are experiencing to create new positive habits. Great. Go for it. Wake up at 4:30 every morning, do your yoga, eat your almond milk muesli, and crack out a relaxing 1000 words before most people are out bed. If on the other hand, you are distracted by constantly changing rules, responsibilities, and exponential graphs, maybe give yourself a break.

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Nearing one goal while starting another

I have less than three weeks left of my 100 day blogging challenge. The first of May will be my 100th post in 100 days. I think I would normally think that it didn’t seem like a long time, but January was a different era to today. I don’t even need to say that a lot has changed during the last 80 days or so for me, because things are so different for all of us.

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Photography, drawing and writing are based around noticing. You can see something without noticing. We often do. We see far too many things to notice them all. Something can be right in the middle of your vision - you are looking right at it, but you don’t notice. That’s normal. Perhaps even necessary.

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