

Blogging for 100 days didn't turn out how I expected

I expected to blog about working in my studio and going on photography adventures. I expected to really struggle. I hoped that i wouldn’t give up part way. I did struggle a tiny bit, but only a few times. Instead I ended up using it as a way to go back through my old work and inspire myself again. It has helped me refine some ideas and come up with new ones. Mostly, I used it as a way to keep a thread of consistency for myself through a rapidly changing life experience.

But the biggest help for me is that it has given me a channel to share whatever content that I want on a platform that is my own. I may get fewer views on my website than I might on social media content, but those views are more valuable to me and I hope for you as well.

Sometimes you have to decide whether you want to adapt. My posts would have performed better on the algorithms if I had stayed on trend and posted about coronavirus but I decided to mostly ignore that and post what I felt like posting rather than what the Facebook and Twitter would prefer.

As a creator, posting content that will perform well in the algorithms is a moving target. As media platforms shift, you will lose your audience unless you adapt. The other option is to try to find a few people who will actually care about your work and share it organically with the people that they believe will enjoy it. This is where real value lies for artists. Yes you can reach millions with a viral post, but you can also slowly build up a group of people who care about your work because it is what you do.