71 thoughts from 99 days of blogging every day
Things I have learned from posting on my blog every day for 99 days:
A challenge can be a great way to start a new habit.
You will get better at blogging
A mediocre post is better than no post
Small creators add a different kind of value than, for example IKEA
Having your tools and ingredients ready makes it easier to create when you get to crunch time
Lessons learned in one field can be applied to another field
Creating a buffer of prepared work can let you take a break
Crutches help you keep going
Write the ideas down as they come
If you have the right goal, you can succeed even if your circumstances change completely
Metrics such as clicks and shares depend more on presentation than content (at least on a surface level)
You don’t need the best gear
Talking about artwork helps you understand your own work better
Allow yourself to feel successful when you succeed
I wrote a post about emergency funds and stocking up on supplies 3 months ago that was more relevant than I realized
A small change in input can produce large changes in results
You probably need 10,000 hours of work at a skill to be good enough for it to make a difference
Chaining goals together can help you keep momentum
Take adventures when you have the opportunity
Try breaking your perceived rules
Organic growth and strategic growth where you plot out the “Keyframes” ahead are both valuable
You are still moving forward during recovery
You need a license to go mudlarking on the Thames in London
Timers are a great tool for artists
All of your experience and skills adds up
Combining your specializations is a way to increase your expertise
If you are going to make something worth making, someone isn’t going to like it
One reason children learn faster is because they are used to failing and not already being experts
The great ideas will come as a result of steady work
If you underestimate how long things will take you might feel like a failure even if you succeed
Photorealism is a specific kind of distortion
Don’t seek approval. Seek a way to share value with others
There are no rules
Number 33 makes it easier to not fail
Blogging is a way to share
Challenge keeps you from getting bored
Belief you can succeed keeps you from giving up
Permission to fail without ridicule lets you try
You can learn more if you worry more about learning what is being taught than trying to learn the specific lesson you want to learn
Addiction to ideas (brain crack) keeps you from acting on them
Be prolific
If you want to be a writer, write - keep it up and you are a writer
Making a task a daily task makes it a habit
If you want to do something but don’t feel like it, do it anyway
It takes a long time to get really great at something difficult but that doesn’t mean you can’t learn a lot in a short time
Work on your weaknesses, but use your strengths
Use up the supplies that you have
If you are really struggling to do something, tell yourself that you only have to do it for a few minutes while you are boiling a kettle for tea or coffee.
You can recycle old ideas and content that you have produced.
You can learn a lot by watching experts at work
Warming up is important
Consistency is good
Variety is good
If you have a lot of jobs, having one job that you do every day can be helpful to keep continuity
Keeping going is easier than starting
Good enough is good enough
Do things that are good for your spirit
It’s worth getting rained on to get a really great photograph
iPads are a great tool for sketching
Try to get into a flow
Forgotten tasks take up a lot of time
When you see something really neat, stop and take a picture of it
Clearing space changes how you feel
Painting, drawing, or photographing a place helps you to see it differently
A bread failure that you can still eat is still pretty good
Noticing is crucial
A global pandemic and being in quarantine might help you learn some new things, but don’t feel like a failure if you don’t.
Not being able to plan far into the future might help you live in the moment more.
Looking at artwork online is a complex experience
Seeds are really good at waiting
Let yourself create with your inner critic switched off and then turn it on afterwards to see how things turned out