

Goal Chaining

Forming one new good habit is hard enough, but what if you are trying to start several new habits at once? Since I am already putting in the effort and developing this habit of blogging, I have decided to use this 100 day blogging challenge to help me achieve some other goals.

Over Christmas I enjoyed playing John D. Clair’s board game Space Base. It’s a game where you purchase more and more powerful ships to build up your point total. It’s a game with a fair amount of luck, but the strategy is to build up an engine of combos and synergies so that you can get the most points.

As I thought about some things that I have wanted to do for a long time. I came up with three that I can chain together:

Recording music

Making animations

Making Videos

If I make an animated music video, then I can do all three at once. And if blog about the process. I can use my blogging habit as the engine. My underlying goal is to create a sustainable creative practice. Hopefully this strategy can help me with that goal too.