

What to do if you fail partway through a challenge

I’m almost a month into my 100 day blogging challenge, and I have wondered a few times if I would be able to post every day. It’s not from lack of ideas and I have a few posts lined up ahead of time, but life, as Michael Crichton wrote in Jurrassic Park: “Life will find a way”.

There are two kinds of failure. The one where you keep going anyway and the one where you give up. If your reasons for starting haven’t changed, just keep going or start again, and don’t beat yourself up about it. Most likely you are the only person who thinks it’s a big deal.

Is the value of something like Inktober or the National Novel Writing Month that they are followed to the letter? No. The value is that it is an excuse to do something you want to do and a timeframe that allows you to create a routine or achieve something you might otherwise never get around to doing.

So if you are blogging for 100 days and miss a day, or trying to run every week and miss a week, either do an extra to make up for it if that makes you feel better, or enjoy the fact that you are able to keep going even if it isn’t always easy or fun or even successful. Don’t let the arbitrary specifics of a challenge hold you back from what you actually wanted to do in the first place.