

New Years Resolution Forgiveness Day

I find the first of January to be a terrible day to create resolutions that I will carry out. Usually, I am away from home, away from my routines and habits. Creating an intention that you will follow through on is an exercise in habit creation. But the holiday period from Christmas to New Year’s is always very different from my normal daily life.

That’s why I decided to create a new holiday. On the first of February, I am celebrating new years resolution forgiveness day. I am using today as an opportunity to restart my goals for this year. I’ll go over my goals and plans. See what’s working. Maybe your goal to run a marathon isn’t going to work because you sprained your ankle. Maybe your resolution to wake up every day at 5am to write your blog just isn’t going to happen. Now is your chance to forgive yourself and create a new intention.

I want to make my email habits more like “snail mail”

I want to make my email habits more like “snail mail”

I was inspired to do this partly by the concept of email debt forgiveness day, which I heard about from the podcast Reply All. The idea is that on one day of the year, you can reply to any email without explaining why it took so long to reply - why you haven’t got back to them when you had every intention to do so. The next one is the 29th of February.

Here is my resolution for email this year. I’ll try to only check it once a day unless it is absolutely necessary to check it more. I won’t check it during times of peak energy, when creativity seems possible, as this could cause me to get distracted from my plans. And I won’t put off replying until email debt forgiveness day.