

4/100 - Buffering…

Today is Saturday and if I wanted to take the day off from writing for this blog, I would need something I don’t yet have. A buffer: ‘one I made earlier’ as the great TV chefs of old would always say.

Inspired by yesterday’s post about Mise-en-Place, I spent about an hour or so going through various notes and typing up ideas for blog posts into my CMS. Now I have some ‘meez’, so that when I have time to start working, I have some ingredients already prepared to work with. Now I can start working on creating a buffer.

When YouTube was new and before Netflix had perfected their streaming optimisation and everyone got super fast fibre broadband, we used to see a message all the time. It might still happen if you are on a dodgy public WiFi or on 3G instead of 4G.


Your services are loading, please wait. Original Video by

What this means is that the software is downloading ahead of the current playback location so that when the video starts playing again, it will (hopefully) be able to play through the video without stopping every few seconds or lowering the quality. The buffering still happens these days with faster network speeds, but it usually happens in the background - while the videos is still playing. Buffering is always a frustrating message to see, but it means that you can see something of higher quality than the speed of a network would otherwise allow.

Buffering is a good thing. By getting some extra work done ahead of time, I can have something ready in case I get sick or have to work on something else and don’t have time to finish a post. It should let me raise the quality of my work.

So today I am writing two posts, but only posting one. I will then have a buffer.